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Hinglish (n): A combination of Hindi (and other Indian languages) and English generally spoken by people who live in urban India. Interestingly, although there are very few self-proclaimed Hinglish speakers, it is a language that is evolving faster than more widely recognized dialects. Observers of this evolution are frequently amused, irritated or upset by the resultant expressions. We, part of a fast-dwindling minority of Indian, first-language English speakers, share our reflections here.

Monday, 7 March 2011

E is for enjoying

Sometimes, in response to that regulation Monday morning question, "What did you do over the weekend?" people have said to me, "We enjoyed nicely." Pre-coffee on a Monday morning, sometimes it might not even register as an odd sentence. Post-coffee, one may begin to wonder what exactly is nicely - is it a place? Is it a thing? No, it is just an adverb. And the sentence fragment you received as an answer has left you without a response.

In response to a text message saying, "What are you doing?" Hinglish speakers think a suitable response is, "We are enjoying." When told that someone is, "enjoying," the activity involved could refer to a party, a picnic, a movie, shopping, dinner with  relations, or meals (a post on this to follow). It is best not to make assumptions as to what exactly is being enjoyed since the activity itself will never be mentioned i.e. We are enjoying a wonderful meal with friends.

If you are not asking a rhetoric question, it is important to remember to ask additional questions to get an accurate idea of what the person did/is doing/will do. In response to, "We enjoyed nicely" a good follow up question might be, "where did you enjoy?" This will hopefully prompt the person to give you a location which may then allow you to ascertain what the activity was. Other follow up questions could include, "Who did you enjoy with?" and "How did you enjoy?"

Of course, follow up questions are only necessary if you really want to know the answer to the questions. If not, then you can just appreciate talking at cross purposes and enjoy nicely.

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