No, this is not another post about backsides. Rather, this is a commentary on the peculiar affinity that Hinglish speakers seem to have for their sides. Sides are constantly referred to in daily conversation - one's own (i.e. my side) or the sides of others (his side/her side/your side).
For instance, it is not uncommon to hear someone ask if you need anything else from their side. This generally happens at the end of a long discussion during which they have presented some information at top speed. This is not a friendly offer to donate a kidney or other internal organ. More often than not, this is an offer to continue to explain you further (i.e. continue to explain to you).
Generally, this (mis)use of the word side has me itching to retort in the following vein:
a. Nothing further is required from my side (really? could have sworn all the words came out of my mouth!)
b. All the work is complete from their side (and I was under the mistaken impression that their fingers did all the typing).
c. They will get this to us from their side (I would really prefer my documents without a side of bile and other internal fluids)
Non-Hinglish speakers should just replace from your/his/her/my/their side with from you/him/her/me/them and understand that the whole sentence is just a literal translation from Hindi. mere taraf se, literally, from my side.
It is at moments like these when I am reminded of my French professor who often said, "French is not a translation of English. Don't try to think in English and then translate to French. Think in French!" If only it were that simple!
For instance, it is not uncommon to hear someone ask if you need anything else from their side. This generally happens at the end of a long discussion during which they have presented some information at top speed. This is not a friendly offer to donate a kidney or other internal organ. More often than not, this is an offer to continue to explain you further (i.e. continue to explain to you).
Generally, this (mis)use of the word side has me itching to retort in the following vein:
a. Nothing further is required from my side (really? could have sworn all the words came out of my mouth!)
b. All the work is complete from their side (and I was under the mistaken impression that their fingers did all the typing).
c. They will get this to us from their side (I would really prefer my documents without a side of bile and other internal fluids)
Non-Hinglish speakers should just replace from your/his/her/my/their side with from you/him/her/me/them and understand that the whole sentence is just a literal translation from Hindi. mere taraf se, literally, from my side.
It is at moments like these when I am reminded of my French professor who often said, "French is not a translation of English. Don't try to think in English and then translate to French. Think in French!" If only it were that simple!